The First of it's Kind Nylo v6 🔥 Learn more

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For Modern Apps

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Develop your next Flutter app with Nylo

Nylo is a powerful framework for developing mobile apps in Flutter. Out the box it comes with a router, secure storage, networking and more.

Showcase projects built using Nylo

Powerful tools for creating

Everything you need to build your next Flutter app

  • Routing
  • Authentication
  • Forms
  • State Management
  • Events
  • Scheduler
appRouter() => nyRoutes((router) {
    router.route(HomePage.path, (context) => HomePage(), initialRoute: true);

    router.route(DiscoverPage.path, (context) => DiscoverPage());

    router.route(LoginPage.path, (context) => LoginPage());

    router.route(ProfilePage.path, (context) => ProfilePage(),
        routeGuard: [

Build complex routes, interfaces and UI pages for your Flutter application.

Learn more

Authenticate a user

User user = User();

await Auth.set(user);

Now, when your user opens the app they will be authenticated.

User? user = await Auth.user<User>();

bool isAuthenticated = await Auth.loggedIn();

Logout the user

await Auth.logout();

Authenticate users in your Flutter application.

Learn more
Step 1

Create a Form

metro make:form RegisterForm
Step 2

Modify your form

class RegisterForm extends NyFormData {

    RegisterForm({String? name}) : super(name ?? "login");

    // Add your fields here
    fields() => [
            cast: FormCast.capitalizeWords(),
            validator: FormValidator.rule("not_empty")
            cast: FormCast.password(),
            validator: FormValidator.password()
Step 3

Use your form in a widget

AdvertForm form = AdvertForm();

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    body: ListView(
      shrinkWrap: true,
      children: [
        NyForm(form: form),

        MaterialButton(child: Text("Submit"),
          onPressed: () {
            form.submit(onSuccess: (data) {
                // {
                //    "Name": "John Doe",
                //    "Email": "",
                //    "Password": "Password1"
                // }

Manage, validate and submit data all in one place with Nylo Forms.

Learn more

Create a state managed widget

metro make:stateful_widget CartIcon
class _CartIconState extends NyState<CartIcon> {

    String? _cartValue;

    void stateUpdated(data) {
        _cartValue = data;
        // data is passed from the updateState method
        setState(() {});

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Badge(
            child: Icon(Icons.shopping_cart),
            label: Text(_cartValue ?? "1"),

Now, you can update this widget from anywhere in your application

Use the updateState method like in the below code snippet

another widget
MaterialButton(child: Text("Add to cart"),
    onPressed: () {
      updateState(CartIcon.state, data: "2");

You can pass any object to the widget

Powerful state management for widgets in your Flutter application.

Learn more
Step 1

Create your event

metro make:event Logout
class LogoutEvent implements NyEvent {
    final listeners = {
        DefaultListener: DefaultListener(),

class DefaultListener extends NyListener {
    handle(dynamic event) async {

        // logout user
        await Auth.logout();

        // redirect to home page
            navigationType: NavigationType.pushAndForgetAll
Step 2

Dispatch the event

MaterialButton(child: Text("Logout"),
    onPressed: () {

Dispatch events and listen for them in your application.

Learn more

Schedule a task to run once

Nylo.scheduleOnce("onboarding_info", () {
    print("Perform code here to run once");

Schedule a task to run once after a specific date

Nylo.scheduleOnceAfterDate("app_review_rating", () {
    print("Perform code to run once after DateTime(2025, 04, 10)");
}, date: DateTime(2025, 04, 10));

Schedule a task to run once daily

Nylo.scheduleOnceDaily("free_daily_coins", () {
    print("Perform code to run once daily");

Schedule tasks to run once or daily in your Flutter application.

Learn more
Make things from the terminal

We have built a cli tool called Metro, you can create almost anything on the fly.

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metro make:page HomePage
# Creates a new page called HomePage

metro make:api_service User
# Creates a new API Service called UserApiService

metro make:model User
# Creates a new model called User

metro make:stateful_widget FavouriteWidget
# Creates a new stateful widget called FavouriteWidget

Effortless API Networking

Networking class that makes writing API Services a breeze.

Learn more
class ApiService extends NyApiService {

    String get baseUrl => "";

    Future posts() async {
        return await network(
            request: (request) => request.get("/posts"),


class _HomePageState extends NyState<HomePage> {

init() async {
    User user = await api<ApiService>((request) => request.userInfo());

Nylo's Community

Together, we can build better Flutter apps.

“I’m new to Dart and new to your framework (which I love)

Senior Director of Heroku Global

“I wanted to thank you guys for the great job you are doing.”


“Just to say that I am in love with @nylo_dev's website!! I mean, look at this: Definitely gonna explore it!”


“Really love the concept of this framework”


“Just discovered and looking forward using in production.”


“Nice Framework”


"Nylo" is the best framework for flutter, which make it developing easy such as, file-structure, routing, state, color theme and so on.


This is incredible. Very well done!


Big support and love from morocco <3


Very nice Framework! Thank you so much!


I just discover this framework and i'm verry impressed. Thank you


Great work on Nylo
