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For Modern Apps

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Develop your next Flutter app with Nylo

Nylo is a powerful framework for developing mobile apps in Flutter. Out the box it comes with a router, secure storage, networking and more.

Showcase projects built using Nylo

Powerful tools for creating

Everything you need to build your next Flutter app

  • Routing
  • Authentication
  • Forms
  • Navigation Hub
  • State Management
  • Events
  • Scheduler
appRouter() => nyRoutes((router) {



        routeGuard: [

Build complex routes, interfaces and UI pages for your Flutter application.

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Authenticate a user

String userToken = "eyJhbG123...";

await Auth.authenticate(data: {"token": userToken});

Now, when your user opens the app they will be authenticated.

final userData = Auth.data();
// {"token": "eyJhbG123..."}

bool isAuthenticated = await Auth.isAuthenticated();
// true

If you've set an authenticatedRoute in your router, then it will present this page when the user opens the app again.

appRouter() => nyRoutes((router) {

    // overrides the initial route when a user is authenticated

Logout the user

await Auth.logout();

Authenticate users in your Flutter application.

Learn more
Step 1

Create a Form

metro make:form RegisterForm
Step 2

Modify your form

class RegisterForm extends NyFormData {

    RegisterForm({String? name}) : super(name ?? "login");

    // Add your fields here
    fields() => [
            validator: FormValidator.notEmpty(),
            validator: FormValidator.email()
            validator: FormValidator.password(),
Step 3

Use your form in a widget

AdvertForm form = AdvertForm();

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    body: NyForm.list(form, children: [
        Button.primary("Submit", submitForm: (form, (data) {
            // Handle your form data here

Manage, validate and submit data all in one place with Nylo Forms.

Learn more

Create a state managed widget

metro make:stateful_widget CartIcon
class _CartIconState extends NyState<CartIcon> {

    String? _cartValue;

    void stateUpdated(data) {
        _cartValue = data;
        // data is passed from the updateState method
        setState(() {});

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Badge(
            child: Icon(Icons.shopping_cart),
            label: Text(_cartValue ?? "1"),

Now, you can update this widget from anywhere in your application

Use the updateState method like in the below code snippet

another widget
Button.primary(text: "Add to cart",
    onPressed: () {
      updateState(CartIcon.state, data: "2");

You can pass any object to the widget

Powerful state management for widgets in your Flutter application.

Learn more

Create a Navigation Hub widget

metro make:navigation_hub base
class _BaseNavigationHubState extends NavigationHub<BaseNavigationHub> {

    /// Layouts:
    /// - [NavigationHubLayout.bottomNav] Bottom navigation
    /// - [NavigationHubLayout.topNav] Top navigation
    NavigationHubLayout? layout = NavigationHubLayout.bottomNav(
    // backgroundColor: Colors.white,

    /// Should the state be maintained
    bool get maintainState => true;

    /// Navigation pages
    _BaseNavigationHubState() : super(() async {
    return {
        0: NavigationTab(
            title: "Home",
            page: HomeTab(),
            icon: Icon(Icons.home),
            activeIcon: Icon(Icons.home),
        1: NavigationTab(
            title: "Settings",
            page: SettingsTab(),
            icon: Icon(Icons.settings),
            activeIcon: Icon(Icons.settings),
Change the layout to top navigation layout with `NavigationHubLayout.topNav`
class _BaseNavigationHubState extends NavigationHub<BaseNavigationHub> {

    NavigationHubLayout? layout = NavigationHubLayout.topNav(
Step 1

Create your event

metro make:event Logout
class LogoutEvent implements NyEvent {
    final listeners = {
        DefaultListener: DefaultListener(),

class DefaultListener extends NyListener {
    handle(dynamic event) async {

        // logout user
        await Auth.logout();

        // redirect to home page
            navigationType: NavigationType.pushAndForgetAll
Step 2

Dispatch the event

MaterialButton(child: Text("Logout"),
    onPressed: () {

Dispatch events and listen for them in your application.

Learn more

Schedule a task to run once

Nylo.scheduleOnce("onboarding_info", () {
    print("Perform code here to run once");

Schedule a task to run once after a specific date

Nylo.scheduleOnceAfterDate("app_review_rating", () {
    print("Perform code to run once after DateTime(2025, 04, 10)");
}, date: DateTime(2025, 04, 10));

Schedule a task to run once daily

Nylo.scheduleOnceDaily("free_daily_coins", () {
    print("Perform code to run once daily");

Schedule tasks to run once or daily in your Flutter application.

Learn more
Make things from the terminal

We have built a cli tool called Metro, you can create almost anything on the fly.

Learn more
metro make:page HomePage
# Creates a new page called HomePage

metro make:api_service User
# Creates a new API Service called UserApiService

metro make:model User
# Creates a new model called User

metro make:stateful_widget FavouriteWidget
# Creates a new stateful widget called FavouriteWidget

Effortless API Networking

Networking class that makes writing API Services a breeze.

Learn more
class ApiService extends NyApiService {

    String get baseUrl => "api.example.com/v1";

    Future<List<Post>> posts() async {
        return await network(
            request: (request) => request.get("/posts"),


class _HomePageState extends NyState<HomePage> {

get init => () async {
    final posts = await api<ApiService>((request) => request.posts());

Nylo's Community

Together, we can build better Flutter apps.

“I’m new to Dart and new to your framework (which I love)

Senior Director of Heroku Global

“I wanted to thank you guys for the great job you are doing.”


“Just to say that I am in love with @nylo_dev's website!! I mean, look at this: https://nylo.dev Definitely gonna explore it!”


“Really love the concept of this framework”


“Just discovered http://nylo.dev and looking forward using in production.”


“Nice Framework”


"Nylo" is the best framework for flutter, which make it developing easy such as, file-structure, routing, state, color theme and so on.


This is incredible. Very well done!


Big support and love from morocco <3


Very nice Framework! Thank you so much!


I just discover this framework and i'm verry impressed. Thank you


Great work on Nylo
