


In this section, we will learn about the NyLanguageSwitcher widget.

The NyLanguageSwitcher widget is a helpful widget for handling language switching in your Flutter projects. This widget will automatically detect the languages you have in your /lang directory and display them to the user.

Note: If your app isn't localized yet, learn how to do so here before using this Widget.

What does NyLanguageSwitcher do?

If the user selects a language, the app will automatically switch to that language and update the UI accordingly.

When the user opens the app again, it will remember the language they selected and display the app in that language.

Let's take a look at some code.

Usage NyLanguageSwitcher

The NyLanguageSwitcher widget is a helpful widget for handling language switching in your Flutter projects.

Here's how you can start using the NyLanguageSwitcher widget.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text("Test Page"),
          actions: [
            NyLanguageSwitcher() // Add the NyLanguageSwitcher widget to the app bar

When the user taps the NyLanguageSwitcher widget, a dropdown option will appear with the languages available in your /lang directory.

After the user selects a language, the app will automatically switch to that language and update the UI accordingly.

Usage NyLanguageSwitcher Show Bottom Modal

The NyLanguageSwitcher.showBottomModal widget is a helpful widget for handling language switching in your Flutter projects.

Here's how you can start using the NyLanguageSwitcher.showBottomModal widget.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        body: Center(
          child: Text("Change Language").onTap(() {
            /// This will show a bottom modal with the languages available in your `/lang` directory

When the user taps the NyLanguageSwitcher.showBottomModal widget, a bottom modal will appear with the languages available in your /lang directory.


Here are some parameters you should know about before using the NyLanguageSwitcher widget.

Property Type Description
icon Widget? The icon for the DropdownButton.
iconEnabledColor Color? The icon enabled color for the DropdownButton.
dropdownBgColor Color? The background color for the DropdownButton.
onLanguageChange Function(String language)? The function to call when the language is changed.
hint Widget? The hint for the DropdownButton.
itemHeight double The height of each item in the DropdownButton.
dropdownBuilder Widget Function(Map<String, dynamic> language)? The builder for the DropdownButton.
dropdownAlignment AlignmentGeometry The alignment for the DropdownButton.
dropdownOnTap Function()? The function to call when the DropdownButton is tapped.
padding EdgeInsetsGeometry? The padding for the DropdownButton.
onTap Function()? The function to call when the DropdownButton is tapped.
borderRadius BorderRadius? The border radius for the DropdownButton.
iconSize int? The size of the icon for the DropdownButton.
elevation int? The elevation for the DropdownButton.
langPath String The path to the language files.
textStyle TextStyle The text style for the DropdownButton.


Here are some method you should know about before using the NyLanguageSwitcher widget.

Method Description
NyLanguageSwitcher.showBottomModal(context) This method will show a bottom modal with the languages available in your /lang directory.
NyLanguageSwitcher.clearLanguage() This method will clear the language from the app.
NyLanguageSwitcher.getLanguageData(String localeCode) This method will get the language data from the app.
NyLanguageSwitcher.currentLanguage() This method will get the current language from the app.
NyLanguageSwitcher.storeLanguage(object: {"en": "English"}) This method will store the language in the app.