Notice: You're viewing an old version of the Nylo documentation.
Consider upgrading your project to Nylo 5.20.0.
Getting Started

Directory Structure


Keeping projects organized can be difficult when there are a lot of moving parts.

Nylo tries to solve this with a simple project structure.

App Directories

All the app directories are listed inside the lib directory where your main.dart file runs.

  • app this folder includes any files relating to models, controllers and networking.

    • controllers Include your controllers here for your Widget pages.
    • models Create your model classes here.
    • networking Add any networking classes here for managing APIs or fetching data from the internet.
  • config this folder includes configuration files like for the theme or anything else you need.

  • resources this folder includes any files that are key components for your users UI experience like pages, widgets and themes.

    • pages Include your Widgets here that you will use as Page's in your project. E.g. home_page.dart.
    • themes By default we include two themes here but you can add more if your project needs to support more.
    • widgets Any widgets you need to create can be inserted here like a date_picker_widget.dart file.
  • routes this folder includes any files relating to models, controllers and networking.

    • router.dart contains the router for your application.

Public assets

All public assets can be found in public/assets. This directory is commonly used for images, fonts and more files that you may want to include in your project.

It's important to add any new files into the pubspec.yaml file too.

  • app_icon This is used for generating app_icons for the project.
  • images Include any images here in this directory.
  • fonts Add any custom fonts here.

Retrieving an image asset

To get a image asset you can use getImageAsset(String key)

  height: 50,
  width: 50,

In this example, our public/assets/images/ directory has one file nylo_logo.png.

  • public/assets/images/nylo_logo.png

Retrieving a public asset

You can get any public asset using getPublicAsset(String key)

_controller = VideoPlayerController.asset(
  ..initialize().then((_) {
    setState(() {});

In this example, our public/assets/videos/ directory has one file intro.mp4.

  • public/assets/images/intro.mp4