


Slates are packages you can download from to quickly scaffold your app.

Once you install your slate package, you can run from the terminal using the publish:all command. Each package you install will use a different command to publish all the files.

Here's an example below, i.e. installing the ny_auth_slate.

dart run nylo_framework:main slate:publish example_slate_package
// or with Metro 
metro slate:publish example_slate_package

Download a fresh copy of Nylo and try it in your project ny_auth_slate

Creating a Slate package

You can build a new Slate package by first using our public template here to get started.

Navigate to the my_slate_template.dart file and modify the run() method.

List<NyTemplate> run() => [
      /// Example
        name: "login_page", // name of the file
        saveTo: pagesFolder, // folder to save to
        pluginsRequired: [], // dependencies that are required for the stub
        stub: stubLoginPage(), // stub you want to generate in you /stubs directory

    /// add more templates...

Once you've built your Slate package, publish it to as a package for the community to download.

Auth Slate

The Auth Slate package is great starting point for your app. It includes the following:

  • Login Page
  • Register Page
  • Buttons
  • Text Fields

You can download the Auth Slate package from

To install the Auth Slate package, run the below command in your terminal.

dart run nylo_framework:main slate:publish ny_auth_slate
// or with Metro
metro slate:publish ny_auth_slate

Laravel Authentication Slate

If your backend is Laravel, you can use the Laravel Authentication Slate package.

It includes the following:

  • Pages
    • LoginPage
    • RegisterPage
    • LandingPage
    • DashboardPage
    • AuthLandingPage
  • Controllers
    • LoginController
    • RegisterController
    • ForgotPasswordController
  • Events
    • LaravelAuthEvent
  • Networking
    • LaravelApiService
    • LaravelAuthService
  • Models
    • AuthUser
    • AuthResponse

To install the Laravel Authentication Slate package, run the below command in your terminal.

dart run nylo_framework:main slate:publish laravel_auth_slate
// or with Metro
metro slate:publish laravel_auth_slate

Update your Nylo .env file

You will need to update your .env file with the following:

APP_URL="" // old url

APP_URL="http://examplelaravel.test" // your laravel project url

Update your Nylo auth model

You will need to change this line in your config/events.dart file.

// from
SyncAuthToBackpackEvent: SyncAuthToBackpackEvent<User>(),

// to 
SyncAuthToBackpackEvent: SyncAuthToBackpackEvent<LaravelAuthResponse>(),

Update the initial route

You will need to update the initial route in your config/routes.dart file.

appRouter() => nyRoutes((router) {
 router.route(AuthLandingPage.path, (_) => AuthLandingPage(), initialRoute: true); // set to initial route

Laravel Package

You will also need to install the Laravel composer package.

composer require nylo/laravel-nylo-auth

You can publish with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nylo\LaravelNyloAuth\LaravelNyloAuthServiceProvider"

Now, you should be able to login, register, and reset your password with the Laravel Authentication Slate package.