


In Nylo you can save data to the users device using the NyStorage class.

Under the hood, Nylo uses the flutter_secure_storage package to save and retrieve data.

Store values

To store values, you can use the below helper.

import 'package:nylo_framework/nylo_framework.dart';
..."", "10");

Data will persist on the user's device using NyStorage. E.g. if they exit the app, you can retrieve the same data that was stored previously.

Retrieve values

To retrieve values, you can use the below helper.

import 'package:nylo_framework/nylo_framework.dart';

// Default
String coins = await"coins"); // "10" (string)

// String
String coins = await<String>("coins"); // "10" (string)

// Integer
int coins = await<int>("coins"); // 10 (int)

// double
double coins = await<double>("coins"); // 10.00 (double)

Storage Keys

This class is useful to reference Strings which you can later use in your NyStorage or Backpack class. You can use the StorageKey class to organise all the shared preference Strings in your project.

Open your Nylo project and open the "config/storage_keys.dart" file.

/* Storage Keys
|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

class StorageKey {
  static String userToken = "USER_TOKEN";

  /// Add your storage keys here...


This class helps organise all your String keys for your Storage variables.

How to use Storage Keys in your project

import 'package:flutter_app/config/storage_keys.dart';

class _MyHomePageState extends NyState<MyHomePage> {

  // Example storing values in NyStorage
  _storeValues() async {
    await , 'Anthony');
    // or

  // Example reading values from NyStorage
  _readValues() async {
    String? userName = await; // Anthony
    // or
    String? userName = await; // Anthony

Store JSON

You can store JSON data using the NyStorage.storeJson method.

import 'package:nylo_framework/nylo_framework.dart';

Map<String, dynamic> user = {
  "name": "Anthony",
  "email": ""

await NyStorage.storeJson("user", user);

Retrieve JSON

You can retrieve JSON data using the NyStorage.readJson method.

import 'package:nylo_framework/nylo_framework.dart';

Map<String, dynamic>? user = await NyStorage.readJson("user");
print(user); // {"name": "Anthony", "email": ""}

Backpack Storage

Nylo includes a lightweight storage class called Backpack. This class is designed for storing small-sized pieces of data during a user's session.

The Backpack class isn't asynchronous so you can set/get data on the fly.

Here's the Backpack class in action.

Set data

// storing a string
Backpack.instance.set('user_api_token', 'a secure token');

// storing an object
User user = User();
Backpack.instance.set('user', user);

// storing an int
Backpack.instance.set('my_lucky_no', 7);

Read data'user_api_token'); // a secure token'user'); // User instance'my_lucky_no'); // 7

Real world usage

A great example for when you might want to use this class over the NyStorage class is when e.g. storing a user's api_token for authentication.

// login a user
LoginResponse loginResponse = await _apiService.loginUser('email': '...', 'password': '...');

String userToken = loginResponse.token;
// Store the user's token to NyStorage for persisted storage
await'user_token', userToken);

// Store the token to the Backpack class to ensure the user is authenticated for subsequent API requests
Backpack.instance.set('user_token', userToken);

Now in our API Service, we can set the auth header from our Backpack class without having to wait on the async response.

class ApiService extends NyApiService {
  ApiService({BuildContext? buildContext}) 
        : super(buildContext, decoders: modelDecoders);
  Future<dynamic> accountDetails() async {
    return await network(
        request: (request) {
          String userToken ='user_api_token');

          // Set auth header
          request.options.headers = {
            'Authorization': "Bearer " + userToken
          return request.get("/account/1");

Persist data with Backpack

You can use the NyStorage class to persist data but if you also need to save it to your App's Backpack storage, use the below parameter "inBackpack".

Here's an example.

// Store data in secure storage & in memory using Backpack
await'user_token', 'a token 123', inBackpack: true);

// Fetch data back with Backpack'user_token'); // "a token 123"

By default, NyStorge will not store data in Backpack unless the inBackpack parameter is set to true

Introduction to Collections

Collections can be used when you want to store a collection of things. E.g. a list of strings, objects or ints. Here's an example of setting, getting and deleting values from a collection.

Here's an example.

  1. We want to store a list of product ids each time a user taps 'add product'
  2. Show the list of product ids on a different page
  3. Delete the product id from the collection
// 1 - Adding an item to a collection
_addProduct(int productId) async {
  await NyStorage.addToCollection("product_ids", newItem: productId); // adds productId to the collection

// 2 - Page to display the data, e.g. cart_page.dart
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    body: SafeArea(
       child: NyFutureBuilder(future: NyStorage.readCollection("product_ids"), child: (context, data) {
         return ListView(
           children: {
             return Text(productId.toString());

// 3 - Example removing an item from the collection
_removeItemFromCollection(int index) async {
  await NyStorage.deleteFromCollection(index, key: "product_ids");

Add to a collection

You can add new items to your collections by calling NyStorage.addToCollection("a_storage_key", newItem: "1");.


await NyStorage.addToCollection("a_storage_key", newItem: "1");
await NyStorage.addToCollection("a_storage_key", newItem: "2");
await NyStorage.addToCollection("a_storage_key", newItem: "3");

await NyStorage.readCollection("a_storage_key"); // ["1", "2", "3"]

Retrieve a collection

You can retrieve a collections by calling NyStorage.readCollection("a_storage_key");.


await NyStorage.addToCollection("a_storage_key", newItem: "Anthony");
await NyStorage.addToCollection("a_storage_key", newItem: "Kyle");

await NyStorage.readCollection("a_storage_key"); // ["Anthony", "Kyle"]

Delete a collection

You can delete a collections by calling NyStorage.deleteCollection("a_storage_key");.


await NyStorage.readCollection("a_storage_key"); // ["Anthony", "Kyle"]

await NyStorage.deleteFromCollection(0, "a_storage_key"); // ["Kyle"]