Notice: You're viewing an old version of the Nylo documentation.
Consider upgrading your project to Nylo 5.20.0.



In this section, we will learn about the NyListView widget.

The NyListView widget is a helpful widget for handling List Views in your Flutter projects.

It works in the same way as the regular ListView widget, but it has some extra features that make it easier to use.

Let's take a look at some code.


Here's how you can start using the NyListView.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return NyListView(child: (BuildContext context, dynamic data) {
    return ListTile(
        title: Text(data['title'])
}, data: () async {
    return [
    {"title": "Clean Room"},
    {"title": "Go to the airport"},
    {"title": "Buy new shoes"},
    {"title": "Go shopping"},
    {"title": "Find my keys"}

The NyListView widget requires two parameters:

  • child - This is the widget that will be displayed for each item in the list.
  • data - This is the data that will be displayed in the list.

Tip: You can use the NyListView.separated widget to add a divider between each item in the list.


Here are some important parameters you should know about before using the NyPullToRefresh widget.

Property Type Description
child Widget Function(BuildContext context, dynamic data) {} The child widget that will be displayed when the data is available.
data Future Function() data The list of data you want the list view to use.
stateName String? stateName You can name the state using stateName, later you will need this key to update the state.

If you would like to know all the parameters available, visit this link here.

Updating the State

You can update the state of a NyListView widget by referencing the stateName parameter.

// e.g.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return NyListView(
        child: (BuildContext context, dynamic data) {
          return ListTile(title: Text(data['title']));
        data: () async {
          return  [
            {"title": "Clean Room"}, 
            {"title": "Go to the airport"}, 
            {"title": "Buy new shoes"}, 
            {"title": "Go shopping"},
      stateName: "my_list_of_todos",

_updateListView() {

This will trigger the State to reboot and load fresh data from the data parameter.