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Consider upgrading your project to Nylo 6.x.



In Nylo, you can handle validating data using the validate helper. It contains some useful validation rules you can use in your project. If you need to add custom validation rules, you can do that too. In this section, we'll give an overview of how validation works in Nylo.

When an error is thrown from the validate helper, you can either display a toast notification to your user or handle it manually.

Let's take a look at how validation works in Nylo.

  • Example validating an email
class _ExampleState extends NyState<ExamplePage> {

  handleFormPass() {
    String textFieldPass = '';

    validate(rules: {
      "email address": "email" // validation rule 'email'
    }, data: {
      "email address": textFieldPass
    }, onSuccess: () {
      print('looks good');
      // do something...

  handleFormFail() {
    String textFieldFail = '';

    validate(rules: {
      "email address": "email" // validation rule 'email'
    }, data: {
      "email address": textFieldFail
    }, onSuccess: () {
      // onSuccess would not be called
    }, onFailure: (Exception exception) {
      /// handle the validation error
      print("failed validation");
    }, showAlert: false);
  • Example validating a phone number
class _ExampleState extends NyState<ExamplePage> {
  TextEditingController _textFieldController = TextEditingController();

  handleForm() {
    String textFieldValue = _textFieldController.text;

    validate(rules: {
      "phone number": "phone_uk" // validation rule 'phone_uk'
    }, data: {
      "phone number": textFieldValue
    }, onSuccess: () {
      print('looks good');
      // do something...
  • Example validating a field contains a value
class _ExampleState extends NyState<ExamplePage> {

  handleForm() {
    String textEmail = 'ferrari';

    validate(rules: {
      "car model": "contains:lamborghini,ferrari" // validation rule 'contains'
    }, data: {
      "car model": textEmail
    }, onSuccess: () {
      print("Success! It's a ferrari");
      // do something...
    }, onFailure: (Exception exception) {
        print('No match found');


  rules: {
  "email address": "email|max:10" // checks data is an email and maximum of 10 characters
  }, data: {
    "email address": textEmail // data to be validated
  }, message: {
    "email address": "oops|it failed" // first section is title, then add a " | " and then provide the description
  showAlert: true, // if you want Nylo to display the alert, default : true
  alertStyle: ToastNotificationStyleType.DANGER // choose from SUCCESS, INFO, WARNING and DANGER

This method is handy if you want to quickly validate the user's data and display some feedback to the user.

Validating Text Fields

You can validate Text Fields by using the NyTextField widget. You can pass validation rules into the widget which will be used for the validation.

Validation Rules

Here are the available validation rules that you can use in Nylo.

Rule Name Usage Info
Email email Checks if the data is a valid email
Contains contains:jeff,cup,example Checks if the data contains a value
URL url Checks if the data is a valid url
Boolean boolean Checks if the data is a valid boolean
Min min:5 Checks if the data is a minimum of x characters
Max max:11 Checks if the data is a maximum of x characters
Not empty not_empty Checks if the data is not empty
Regex r'regex:([0-9]+)' Checks if the data matches a regex pattern
Numeric numeric Checks if the data is numeric
Date date Checks if the data is a date
Capitalized capitalized Checks if the data is capitalized
Lowercase lowercase Checks if the data is lowercase
Uppercase uppercase Checks if the data is uppercase
US Phone Number phone_number_us Checks if the data is a valid phone US phone number
UK Phone Number phone_number_uk Checks if the data is a valid phone UK phone number
US Zipcode zipcode_us Checks if the data is a valid zipcode for the US
UK Postcode postcode_uk Checks if the data is a valid postcode for the UK


This allows you to validate if the input is an email.

Usage: email


This allows you to validate if the input is a boolean.

Usage: boolean


Check if the input contains a particular value.

Usage: contains:dog,cat


Check if the input is a URL.

Usage: url


Check if the input is a minimum of characters.

Usage: min:7 - will fail if the user's input is less than 7 characters.


Check if the input is a maximum of characters.

Usage: max:10 - will fail if the user's input is more than 10 characters.

Not Empty

Check if the input is not empty.

Usage: not_empty - will fail if the user's input is empty.


Check the input against a regex pattern.

Usage: r'regex:([0-9]+)' - will fail if the user's input does not match the regex pattern.


Check if the input is a numeric match.

Usage: numeric - will fail if the user's input is not numeric.


Check if the input is a date, e.g. 2020-02-29.

Usage: date - will fail if the user's input is not date.


Check if the input is capitalized, e.g. "Hello world".

Usage: capitalized - will fail if the user's input is not capitalized.


Check if the input is lowercase, e.g. "hello world".

Usage: lowercase - will fail if the user's input is not lowercased.


Check if the input is uppercase, e.g. "HELLO WORLD".

Usage: uppercase - will fail if the user's input is not uppercase.

US Phone Number

Check if the input is a valid US Phone Number, e.g. "123-456-7890".

Usage: phone_number_us - will fail if the user's input is not a US phone number.

UK Phone Number

Check if the input is a valid UK Phone Number, e.g. "07123456789".

Usage: phone_number_uk - will fail if the user's input is not a UK phone number.

US Zipcode

Check if the input is a valid US Zipcode, e.g. "33125".

Usage: zipcode_us - will fail if the user's input is not a US Zipcode.

UK Postcode

Check if the input is a valid UK Postcode, e.g. "B3 1JJ".

Usage: postcode_uk - will fail if the user's input is not a UK Postcode.

Custom Validation Rules

You can add custom validation rules for your project by opening the config/valdiation_rules.dart file.

The validationRules variable contains all your custom validation rules.

final Map<String, dynamic> validationRules = {
  /// Example
  // "simple_password": (attribute) => SimplePassword(attribute)

To define a new validation rule, first create a new class that extends the ValidationRule class. Your validation class should implement the handle method like in the below example.

class SimplePassword extends ValidationRule {
  SimplePassword(String attribute)
      : super(
      attribute: attribute,
      signature: "simple_password", // Signature for the validator
      description: "The $attribute field must be between 4 and 8 digits long and include at least one numeric digit", // Toast description when an error occurs
      textFieldMessage: "Must be between 4 and 8 digits long with one numeric digit"); // TextField validator description when an error occurs

  handle(Map<String, dynamic> info) {

    RegExp regExp = RegExp(r'^(?=.*\d).{4,8}$');
    return regExp.hasMatch(info['data']);

The Map<String, dynamic> info object:

/// info['rule'] = Validation rule i.e "max:12".
/// info['data'] = Data the user has passed into the validation rule.
/// info['message'] = Overriding message to be displayed for validation (optional).

The handle method expects a boolean return type, if the data passes validation return true and false if it doesn't.